Grade passback failing in LTI 1.1 and 1.3

Grade passback failing in LTI 1.1 and 1.3

Sadie Anderson -
Erantzun kopurua: 1


We (tool provider) have been partnering with a university client to troubleshoot grade passbook.  This investigation began in February 2020 when the response from Moodle was “Consumer key is missing” in LTI 1.1.  Historically that has indicated that authorization headers are being stripped.  More info here:

This issue was never resolved and we opted to give up because the grading feature was not in high demand at the university at the time.

This year we moved to LTI 1.3 in the same Moodle instance.  Grade passbook is still failing, but now with a 500 at: /moodle2020/mod/lti/services.php/6/lineitems/44349/lineitem/scores?type_id=2

The client’s Moodle logs contain the following:

2021-01-19T04:03:06-06:00 atticus http: - - - [19/Jan/2021:04:03:06 -0600] "POST /moodle2020/mod/lti/services.php/2305/lineitems/43377/lineitem/scores?type_id=2 HTTP/1.1" - 2 "-" "-" - 0 27133

2021-01-19T04:03:07-06:00 atticus http: - - - [19/Jan/2021:04:03:07 -0600] "POST /moodle2020/mod/lti/services.php/2305/lineitems/43377/lineitem/scores?type_id=2 HTTP/1.1" - 2 "-" "-" - 0 24925

2021-01-19T08:33:17-06:00 atticus http: - - - [19/Jan/2021:08:33:17 -0600] "POST /moodle2020/mod/lti/services.php/2305/lineitems/43377/lineitem/scores?type_id=2 HTTP/1.1" - 2 "-" "-" - 0 31509

2021-01-20T00:03:09-06:00 atticus httpd-event[117935]: [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 117935:tid 140438308644608] [client] Invalid status line from script 'services.php': 0 Coding error detected, it mu

2021-01-20T00:03:47-06:00 atticus httpd-event[117776]: [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 117776:tid 140439508178688] [client] Invalid status line from script 'services.php': 0 Coding error detected, it mu

Could this still be an issue of stripped authorization headers? Is there any additional insight out there about the cause of these errors or where to look?

Thank you!

Puntuazioen batez bestekoa: -
Sadie Anderson(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Grade passback failing in LTI 1.1 and 1.3

Nathan Lind -
Particularly helpful Moodlers-ren irudia
We'd love help from the community to get this issue resolved. Thanks to anyone who can provide any tips.

Looking at developer tools we see this come up, right after submission/grading.

Request URL:
Request Method: PATCH
Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin