Language menu not showing on Boost Mobile

Language menu not showing on Boost Mobile

de către Pep p-
Număr de răspunsuri: 3


Using Moodle v. 3.9 with default Boost theme.

The language menu (drop-down)  is not showing when using a mobile phone, it does on desktop and tablet, how can I add it?

Mobile view:


Desktop and Tablet view:

Thanks in advance and regards 

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Ca răspuns la Pep p

Ang: Language menu not showing on Boost Mobile

de către Preben Pedersen-
When the screen-size is too narrow, it moves down into the footer. Not sure how you can change that.
Ca răspuns la Preben Pedersen

Re: Ang: Language menu not showing on Boost Mobile

de către Pep p-
Yes, on mobile size it goes to the footer, even without the drop-down menu, I think it may be a bug:

Any one knows how to make the language menu to be shown on the header in mobile size screen?
Can it be done via Boost Raw SCSS or even hard coding?
Ca răspuns la Pep p

Re: Ang: Language menu not showing on Boost Mobile

de către Jason Press-
Hello Pep p, did you ever happen to find a solution for this issue?

I am facing the same issue and would be very interested in any developments or advice anyone might have.