Time-stamp for each quiz answer

Time-stamp for each quiz answer

Michael Parrishdən -
Number of replies: 0

This is my first post.

I 'need' each and every quiz answer to have a time-stamp marking when relative to the quiz start time, the item was answered, or reanswered.  I'm teaching performance testing skills which involve tactics to excel on tests and the student's test-taking behavior must be tracked in time to verify their integration of the tactics when in test-taking conditions. 

The on-line context for moodle works for me and I'd like to adopt moodle as a platform for running my prototype of training and the quiz building function is impressive.  However, in order to visualize the data of their scores correctly I must be able to generate reports that provide a view of the student's raw score per question in time from quiz start up until quiz finish and having the time-stamp built in to the student's response to a question allows the student to not have to track that themselves while trying to focus on the test. 

All quiz questions for this purpose as of now are 'multiple-choice' (just like a bubble-sheet for scantron) and I would need to download the data of each quiz response with a 'time-stamp' to run in a spreadsheet for additional analysis and feedback to the student.

My initial search of 'quiz' forum with time-stamp did not indicate a previous discussion here.  I welcome insight as to how this hurdle could be overcome.  Thank you for your time.

Please feel free to contact me directly at humanlevel@gmail.com


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