Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Joseph Rézeau - ން
Number of replies: 4
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In multichoice questions, the "Clear my choice" is normally a useful feature. At the moment I'm helping out a colleague who has to create questions in a special "official exam" format, where each MCQ question has the extra answer "I don't know". This makes the "Clear my choice" not only superfluous but potentially distracting to the exam candidate.

It would be nice to have an option (either per question or per quiz) to prevent this "Clear my choice" from appearing.

Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Joseph Rézeau

Re: Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Joseph Rézeau - ން
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Replying to myself...
I suppose the rationale behind the "Clear my choice" "button" being added upon the student clicking one of the radio buttons (in a MCQ single answer question) is to allow for a "no choice made" option if the student changes their mind after clicking one of the answers.
Would it not be better to replace this with a "I don't know" radio button being automatically added as the last option in such questions?
The "shuffle answers" would only shuffle the "real" answers, not the "I don't know" pseudo-answer, of course. Additionally, the "I don't know"radio button could be pre-clicked.
To provide for exam quizzes where choosing an answer is compulsory, the "I don't know" pseudo-answer choice could be made an option in the Question edit form.
I think that would solve both the original rationale and the problem I described in my original post.
What do others think?
In reply to Joseph Rézeau

Re: Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Dominique Bauer - ން
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Hello Joseph,

I don't want to restart the debate, but we recently had a heated discussion about whether there shouldn't be an option to have "None of the above" as the last choice in multiple choice questions. Although this choice is found in many official tests, the suggestion to include this option was rejected out of hand.

So for your suggestion to include "I don't know" as the last choice, well, good luck.

To troubleshoot your colleague, you could suggest that he include a small script in his questions. It's almost as easy as having an option in the question's settings. This is of course a temporary workaround until your suggestion is adopted and implemented.

Here is the css. If you include it in a <style> tag in the question text, don't use the Atto editor, use the Plain text area editor otherwise it will be deleted:

div.qtype_multichoice_clearchoice {
    display: none;

You will get the same result with JavaScript and you don't have to worry about which editor you are using:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
       $("div.qtype_multichoice_clearchoice").css("display", "none");
In reply to Dominique Bauer

Re: Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Joseph Rézeau - ން
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Hi Dominique,
Thanks for reminding me of that "Shuffle all but last" option in multichoice discussion. I had even forgotten that I had taken part in it.މޮޅިވެރި
So I have re-read it carefully and found it quite interesting. In order to answer my colleague's query to create MULTIPLE CHOICE questions which would fit the "official" style of MCQ I've made a custom MC question type to use on their Moodle site. I was quite pleased with myself after having spent my Sunday afternoon (I'm a slow programmer) adding a "Shuffle all but last feature"... only to find out that our friend Luca Bösch had implemented it in MDL-35236 (link to his GitHub).
Oh well, re-inventing the wheel is as good an occupation as any, these days...
I wish more people would vote for MDL-35236 so that it might be included in Moodle core... one day.
In reply to Joseph Rézeau

Re: Option to remove the "clear my choice" option in multichoice?

Tim Hunt - ން
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The way this was implemented, behind the scenes, is effectively an "I don't know" radio button. During implementation, there was a huge amount of discussion about what the user-interface should be. See MDL-5311 and the linked regressions it caused.

It's done now. The way it works is fine. I don't have any interest in re-visiting this. (Although, of course, this is Open source. People can work on whatever aspect they like.)