Answer to theme plugin installation problem on Ubuntu with Apache

Answer to theme plugin installation problem on Ubuntu with Apache

por Janusz Jabłonowski -
Número de respostas: 0

Hi all,

this is not a question, but an answer to a question on a locked forum (I am following the hint given there - to start a new topic). 

I used to have the same problem as described here: i.e. I couldn't add a theme to my Moodle installation on Ubuntu. The web server is Apache. In my case the solution was to change access rights for the group www-data to the /var/www/html/moodle/theme directory. It could be changed for example with the following steps:

  • (in terminal) sudo nautilus,

  • (in nautilus) go to /var/www/html/moodle/theme,

  • (after right mouse button click on the folder) Properties>Permissions>change group to 'www-data' and access rights to  'Create and delete files'.

Maybe someone will find my answer useful sorriso.

Best regards
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