Teachers not seeing content but admin can

Teachers not seeing content but admin can

بواسطة - Otaku Dude
عدد الردود: 2


We have recently upgraded to Moodle 3.9.1

Teachers on one particular course can now only see a fraction of the content they have uploaded before the upgrade. As admin, I can still see all the content. There are no groups associated with the course so group visibility shouldn't be an issue. I've tried removing and re-adding staff but still the same issue.

Thank you in advance,


متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على Otaku Dude

Re: Teachers not seeing content but admin can

بواسطة - Thorsten Bartel
صورة Core developers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers
Hello Nige,

have you checked whether role permissions have been changed in the context of the course?
Check which roles are present in the permissions overview for permissions like "course:viewhiddensections" (or other "viewhidden" permissions).

رداً على Thorsten Bartel

Re: Teachers not seeing content but admin can

بواسطة - Otaku Dude

Sorry for the late reply. We checked permissions in the first instance and they seemed fine. We ended up using an archive version of the course in the end with all content in place.

