Plugin auth/cas disabled by its own

Plugin auth/cas disabled by its own

дэргэд Kenny CALVAT -
Хариу нийтлэлийн тоо: 0

Hello moodle community ! инээмсэглэл

Today, we have a strange thing on one of our moodle and we need some advice or ideas about what could happen.

One of the moodle (3.9.1) is hosted on HA web servers (apache, php-fpm, galeraCluster, redis, NFS) with others moodle 3.9.1.

All configuration are identical and use auth/cas for users registration. Today, without human intervention, the auth/cas plugin has been disabled by its own. None of the others moodle got the problem.

Apache logs show the enable action with grep -r 'action=enable\&auth=cas' but not show the disable action. Moodle cron logs don't show anything anormal and workers servers seem healthy and have no changes.

Do you have an idea how a plugin can disable by its own ?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

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