Moove Theme - limit course summary text

Moove Theme - limit course summary text

Elvin Manuel Luces གིས-
Number of replies: 5

Is there a way to limit course summary description while displayed on admin site homepage? My course summary are really long and I dont want it display in full view while browsing available course page (homepage). Maybe there's a way to add read more button or just limit the characters. Users can read the full description if they open/access the course page.
Thanks in advance.

དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Elvin Manuel Luces

Re: Moove Theme - limit course summary text

AL Rachels གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Particularly helpful Moodlers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར Testers གི་པར
Hi cs coo,
You can do that with multiple different widgets using the Generioc filter.
and you will also need the toolbutton for atto
In reply to AL Rachels

Re: Moove Theme - limit course summary text

Elvin Manuel Luces གིས-
Hi AL Rachels,
Thank you for your quick reply and I find it very helpful. In the meantime, I found a quick solution to use CSS instead. I will try your suggestion and compare which is better that suits my needs.

Limit course summary using CSS
In reply to Elvin Manuel Luces

Re: Moove Theme - limit course summary text

AL Rachels གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Particularly helpful Moodlers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར Testers གི་པར

Hi cs coo,

There is another advantage to using Generico. There a dozens of widgets that come with it, plus many more from other Moodle users, that let you do a bunch of really nice things to your site besides hiding text until it is needed. My favorite is that you can personalize your site to every user. In other words you can have your site/course greet each user by name, and so much, much, much more.