upgrading issue with passwords

upgrading issue with passwords

per Patricio Lopez -
Nombre de respostes: 1


I am upgrading from 3.2.1 to 3.5 (so i can then move to 3.8) and i come across a strange issue, not seen before.

I am doing this upgrade on a clone of the base install, on the same server, inside just a subfolder. Cloned moodle data, core files and got database sql via phpmyadmin, then uploading it to a new database (on the same account) with a new user for the new db.

Using Mariadb 10.3
Apache 2.4
PHP 7.1 (dont think its related to the issue, but i can change it to 7.3 later)

So AFTER i update and the update is successful turns out the password of my administrator stops working. The user in the db is there it has the same password hash, and i test it on the original site and it works. 

Everything looks fine, except i cant log back to admin. I even tried to do a ssh sql copy of the database, but i ran in to the same issue. after doing everything again.

Any ideas on what might cause this? Im afraid all users got somehow their passwords wrong on the clone install. So i cant move forward with the upgrade process.


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