Cannot manually unenrol selected users when db enrolled, correct?

Re: Cannot manually unenrol selected users when db enrolled, correct?

ó $a->name - $a->date
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Jerry! (Or is it.... *wink*) Long time! So ironic that I am searching for answers for the same component (database enrolment).

The only way they can be removed as far as I am aware is via the plug-in itself which depends on the user record no longer being in the external database table.  Or, of course, what you suggested, manipulate the user's record directly in the database, which we have had to do in the past as well.
We actually wrote a script to convert teacher's enrolments to manual before the end of term so they don't get "removed" or "suspended" like students do. Here was my plea for help before we did that:
Right now what I want to do is extend enrolment for a student that has a "suspended" status. (We are choosing the option to suspend users but not remove roles instead of completely removing them from the course in order to retain data for past courses) But in some cases the teacher needs one or more students to have extended access beyond the "actual" course end date so the only way I know how to do this is to just re-enrol the student manually. I'd much rather "extend" the existing enrolment but I cannot find a way to do so. 

I would LOVE more capabilities built into being able to manually override some of the default behaviors for the database enrolment plug-in.