Issues with logging into Moodle

Issues with logging into Moodle

par Ejiro Ekpogbe,
Nombre de réponses : 9

Hello All,

Lately i have been receiving complaints that our users are not able to login to Moodle at first attempt even when their passwords have been saved on their web browsers. They are able to login after several attempts. I am not sure how to address or fix the issue so i thought to post it here. Your suggestions would be of great help to me.

All our staffs in my institution use the Google Chrome web browser as this is the web browser configured on the PCs. I wonder if it is a browser issue and if it is, how do i address this?

Secondly i noticed that when a user is trying to login with their login details, it takes long for the page to load and this delay adds to the frustration of the user, especially when it then displays the error message "invalid username and/or password".

Any suggestions please?

Thank you.

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En réponse à Ejiro Ekpogbe

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Mayank Tyagi,
how are you authenticating users? Are you using some external api/system?
En réponse à Mayank Tyagi

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Ejiro Ekpogbe,
We use manual authentication - we create the logins. No we are not using any external api/system.
En réponse à Ejiro Ekpogbe

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Mayank Tyagi,
Ok, Do you have code access of your site. Try to do one thing.
Go to moodle/login/index.php. Now search for authenticate_user_login() function. Try to print $user before that function and after that function using print_object($user).
Note: try this only if you are a developer and know moodle code and you know what you are doing.
En réponse à Ejiro Ekpogbe

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Howard Miller,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers
What error do they see when they can't login?

Do you have Debugging enabled (you should!)? With debugging enabled, reproduce the problem and then check your web server's error log for clues.
En réponse à Howard Miller

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Ejiro Ekpogbe,
The error they get when they type their username and password is "invalid username and/or password" but login becomes successful after several attempts. Strangely i have not experienced such difficulty logging in.
En réponse à Ejiro Ekpogbe

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Howard Miller,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers
...and the debugging part of my question?
En réponse à Howard Miller

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Ejiro Ekpogbe,
I have asked my colleagues to let me know when next they experience the difficulty so that i can enable debugging.
I will feedback once i have something.
En réponse à Ejiro Ekpogbe

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Howard Miller,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers
Yep - given the delay and suchlike it sounds like something is interfering with login. You might want to think if you have any optional plugins that might be related in any way.
En réponse à Howard Miller

Re: Issues with logging into Moodle

par Ejiro Ekpogbe,
Hi Howard,

Thank you. So i'm still getting these complaints from my users but when i turn on debugging, no error is produced except for the error "invalid username and/or password". This problem started recently and the few local plugins were installed a while ago.

But why don't i experience this problem? I am able to login smoothly and i use Google Chrome too.