Applying question weight in random question

Applying question weight in random question

Francois Parlant -


One of my teacher has created questions in a category and she has included the weight (points): all questions of this category are 2 points.

When she creates a quiz with random questions from this category, she has to change the weight of the question to be 2 again, otherwise the questions are treated as "1pt".

I  perfectly do understand that overiding the default points of a question is usefull in test.

But is there a parameter somewhere to force moodle to apply the default weight of the question for this quiz, even for random questions?

Cheers and of course Happy New Year to all moodlers!


回复Francois Parlant

Re: Applying question weight in random question

Dominique Bauer -
Documentation writers的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像

Bonjour François,

The maximum grade is associated with the 'slot' in the quiz that the random question is picked to fill.

Check here.

Bonne et heureuse année !

回复Francois Parlant

Re: Applying question weight in random question

Tim Hunt -
Core developers的头像 Documentation writers的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Peer reviewers的头像 Plugin developers的头像
This is basically just a case of computers having no common sense.

It is obvious to you, as a human, that since all the question in this category have 'default weight' 2.00, then when you add a quesiton from that category to the quiz, it should be given weight 2.00.

However, the computer will only do that if we actually instruct it to in the code (look at all the questions. See if they all have the same default weight. If so ...). And no-one has ever done that. Would be a reasonable feature request to add to the Tracker, but probably not a top priority to do it.
回复Tim Hunt

Re: Applying question weight in random question

Francois Parlant -
Thanks to you both for your answer. It is clear now that I was not just "missing" a parameter somewhere to achieve this.

I will explain to the teacher that the "in question" coefficient has meaning for direct inclusion of the question in a quiz, but that for random question, the coefficient has to be manually put in the "quiz question slot".

Thanks again for your time and for your clarity
