Lost add random question from quizzes

Lost add random question from quizzes

by Farrukh LL -
Number of replies: 2


i have problem with add random question, it lost on add on page menu. How to fix it or where can i find php file.

Moodle version 3.3.2

thanks in advance. 


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In reply to Farrukh LL

Re: Lost add random question from quizzes

by Dominique Bauer -
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Hello Farrukh,

This seems to be an unexpected behavior. Does this happen only for a quiz or for all quizzes, for existing or new quizzes?

Purging caches may not help but will not hurt: Site Administration / Development / Purge caches.

Have you modified the PHP code? It would have been risky. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can help you.

In reply to Dominique Bauer

Re: Lost add random question from quizzes

by Farrukh LL -
for all quizzes the random was hide, but function in old quizzes are working.
yes i had modify php, but i didn't understand why it's happened and i just changed menu places in php now it's working улыбаюсь