Local area network server

Re: MoodleBox, Moodle, Linux and FOSS in general [OT]

de Ken Task -
Número de respuestas: 0
Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers

We are on the same page!

And you are 100% correct in saying it's a matter of attrition ... old dudes/dudettes need to retire before the new wave (younger/more inclined to 'think out of the box') gets to decision making positions.   That's happening ... in some cases ... ever so slowly.

I know and respect some folks who 'bleed blue' ... if they had a medals for all their MS certs they might not be able to sit, stand, or walk errect!!! sonrisa

Such  is the world of 'education' ... some well known/established corps are even worse, IMHO!

'SoS', Ken