defining role to enrol students - but not allow other course editing

defining role to enrol students - but not allow other course editing

by Bruce Herbert -
Number of replies: 1


I am wanting to create a role to allow a manager to enrol staff in courses. I can add in enrolment functionality, but to get to the enrolment page, i need to allow 'Update course settings' which allows too much access.

I have managed to isolate the url in question, when the 'Update course settings' is switched of. Is there a way of providing that link in a different way?

It's the '/user/index.php?id=48' link where '48' is the course ID.

Hope that makes sense!



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In reply to Bruce Herbert

Re: defining role to enrol students - but not allow other course editing

by Randy Thornton -
Picture of Documentation writers

Try allowing the following: Review course enrolments - moodle/course:enrolreview.

This allows them to view the Participants page and also Gear /Edit > More > Enroled user page. They can view the Enrolment methods page too but they can not edit it (since they don't have enrol/manual:config), only see how many users have been enrolled in which enrolment methods. This works for me in 3.7.

if your role permissions are otherwise working, this should do the trick and the Enrol users button should show up.

Attached is a screenshot of a role I have set up to do a similar sort of task.


Attachment screenshot_5062.jpg