reCAPTCHA does not show on website when creating new account

reCAPTCHA does not show on website when creating new account

by User X -
Number of replies: 1


I'd like to create a new account on website. 

However, the create new account site appears strange to me and I cannot create new account. The create new account looks exact the same as's create new account site. The reCAPTCHA does not show.

Currently using Chrome to access to I haved try latest Firefox, IE, and Edge and still no luck. Please see attached screenshots.

Please help asap.

Thanks and appreciate!

Attachment thefig.ca1.PNG
Attachment thefig.ca2.PNG
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In reply to User X

Re: reCAPTCHA does not show on website when creating new account

by Jon Bolton -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers
As you can see, at the bottom of the signup page, it is loading the security question (ReCAPTCHA). But the error message is telling you that Moodle can’t communicate with the ReCAPTCHA server. Have you got the curl extension installed and enabled in php? Have you registered your domain with Google ReCAPTCHA?


ps. This forum is for the Feedback activity in Moodle. You'll maybe get a better response in the General Help forum.