Multiple php versions with different moodle versions ([error] : FastCGI sent in stderr:)

Multiple php versions with different moodle versions ([error] : FastCGI sent in stderr:)

de Nirosha Rathnayake -
Número de respuestas: 3

I am running a CentOS 7 server with nginx. I have installed both php 7.2 and 5.6 and working fine. 

With php 7.2, I have installed Moodle 3.xx and it works fine.

With php 5.6, I have setup more than 5 Moodle 2.7 websites as ''. The problem is the moodle websites does not show properly. All the images are missing and everything shows in plain text.

Error log shows:

2019/06/17 16:45:11 [error] 7742#7742: *400 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: data in /path/to/moodle/installation/cache/stores/file/lib.php on line 370" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /xxx/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: ""

php 5.6 runs of port 9001. 

    location ~* \.php$ {


      include         fastcgi_params;

      fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

      fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_NAME        $fastcgi_script_name;


In '/opt/remi/php56/root/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf'

; Note: This value is mandatory.

listen =

What could be the culprit?

Adjunto moodle website.png
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En respuesta a Nirosha Rathnayake

Re: Multiple php versions with different moodle versions ([error] : FastCGI sent in stderr:)

de Luis de Vasconcelos -
Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers
Why are you installing Moodle 2.7 when 3.7 is available? 2.7 is 10 vesrions old!

Anyway... have you checked your Moodledata permissions?
En respuesta a Nirosha Rathnayake

Re: Multiple php versions with different moodle versions ([error] : FastCGI sent in stderr:)

de Ken Task -
Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers

Aside from 2.7 being old and why ...

5 moodle 2.7's in directories
What's above them all?  A WordPress?  Which PHP is / seeing?

The error ... undefined ... and the referrer looks like the 5 moodles in subdirectories are not seeing php 5.6.  Whatever is on top of them using PHP 7 and not the PHP 5.6.  Version 2.7 won't run under PHP 7.x

2019/06/17 16:45:11 [error] 7742#7742: *400 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: data in /path/to/moodle/installation/cache/stores/file/lib.php on line 370" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /xxx/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: ""

If the subdirectories are seen 5.6.x, then the following should show you that:

cd oneofthe2.7codedirs/
php -v
which php

Also, each moodle instance has it's own data directory - right?

Each moodle instance is running it's own cron job?

What happens, when in one of the 2.7's from the root of the code directtory you run:

php admin/cli/cron.php [ENTER]

php admin/cli/purge_caches.php

For that matter, if you are stuck running 2.7's, why have PHP 7 installed at all?

Your posting on StackOverFlow also shows something interesting ...

location /dataroot/ {

        alias /var/www/html/lms-data/$rot-data;
Is apache root /var/www/html/ ... why would one put /lms-data/$rot-data in a web accessible directory on purpose?

So in config of one of the 2.7's data directory has something like:

/$rot-data or what?

'SoS', Ken