Allowing students to see each other in a course

Allowing students to see each other in a course

John Curtin གིས-
Number of replies: 3


I´ve trawled through all the forums and the student permissions part of the site but I just can´t figure out how to allow students on a course to see a list of enrolled students on their own course. In the image below, when the student clicks on the arrow, she only sees herself and not the others.

What am I missing?


Attachment Graphic_11_02_2019 11_56_32.jpg
དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to John Curtin

Re: Allowing students to see each other in a course

John Curtin གིས-

Found it! I added a block that says "Participants" Now all the students can see each other if they click on the block.

Attachment Graphic_11_02_2019 12_01_19.jpg
In reply to John Curtin

Re: Allowing students to see each other in a course

Rick Jerz གིས-
Particularly helpful Moodlers གི་པར Testers གི་པར

Yep, I think that you have it, John.  I have always used this "Online users" block, and love it.

In Moodle 3.6, the ability for students to "hide" from others, including the instructor, was added. See my post and discussion about this new feature, and vote for my feature request if you agree to my ideas.