Question Banks and Backup Problems

Re: Question Banks and Backup Problems

Brian Rigwald -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0
Each teacher has their own separate Moodle course for the classes they teach.  We each have access to each other's Moodle course (as a teacher with editing rights), so we can share resources (via the Sharing Cart) and so that more advanced users, like myself, can help/mentor newer Moodle users with settings, etc....

When I go into the question bank for my Global Studies course, I am also seeing questions from my U.S. Studies course (and vis-a-versa).  That is one of the issues.  (The backup/restore/sharing cart issue regarding quizzes may/may not be related.  I deleted all unused questions and the issue remains and might pertain to a corrupted question somewhere.)

With regards to role settings, I don't know, as I am not an network administrator and I don't have access to those settings.