Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

Mark Stevens - ން
Number of replies: 4


Our gradebook categories are not restoring if the announcements forum is deselected (not restored) during the restore process.

This has been discussed off and on over the years:

There is a tracker issue on this (similar at least) MDL-61212

Does this need to be a feature request?  Import/retain gradebook/grade categories?

In reply to Mark Stevens

Re: Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

Ryan Hazen - ން

I'll pitch in my vote for this feature request, though really I would think it is a bug. It certainly bugs me!

There's a tracker item for it, but it was closed with a note "won't fix." I'm curious why that was?

In reply to Ryan Hazen

Re: Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

Mark Stevens - ން

Thanks for the link to the discussion on MDL-27191, and that clears up the mystery for me! I can see the dilemma if you import/restore something and suddenly your grade book is destroyed, but that is exactly what happens to those of us hoping to bring in the gradebook.

In that discussion David Mudrak suggested, “Shall we consider a workaround solution (gradebook categories export/import independent on backup/restore?).” Yes, yes, yes! Andrew Davis mentioned a use case where his school has departmental guidelines for grade categories that are independent of content, and I think this is the case nearly everywhere, especially in universities. 

In the meantime, could there at least be a notice? “Grade categories will be lost/preserved.” Or, “If you would like to import/restore grade categories, your destination course must have no gradebook and your import/restore must be a full restore.”

This might help avoid the numerous issues that have been discussed here and in the bug tracker.

In reply to Mark Stevens

Re: Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

Matthew Davidson - ން
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Having this issue ourselves and are having to manually recreate gradebook structures and items for multiple courses. Unreal that this isn't already a thing.
In reply to Matthew Davidson

Re: Gradebook categories not restoring unless from a full backup

John Provasnik - ން
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A work around in he meantime is to have a gradebook template course - make your structure there with absolutely nothing else. Then you can import this "entire course" anywhere else to pull in the gradebook.