Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Gitte Bendixen -
Anzahl Antworten: 7


This has worked before, but since november, it has not sync users - but existing users i LDAP can still login, and on login their information is updated from LDAP - this means that no new users are coming in, since november.

I have looked at the scheduled tasks, but no matter what i do - it does not sync users task with LDAP.

Hope you can hel - thanks. lächelnd

Als Antwort auf Gitte Bendixen

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Iñaki Arenaza -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Peer reviewers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

If you run the LDAP sync task manually from the command line, do you get any errors?

See for instructions on how to run scheduled tasks from the command line.



Als Antwort auf Iñaki Arenaza

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Gitte Bendixen -

And also - testet in new enviroment - the users are not back, but when they login - they are created.

Als Antwort auf Gitte Bendixen

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Emma Richardson -
Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

Turn debugging on and then run from the scheduled tasks page.  This should tell you what is happening with the sync.  

Als Antwort auf Emma Richardson

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Gitte Bendixen -

This might be the issue - but how to do that - my moodle-database is running utf8mb4_unicode_ci....

Als Antwort auf Gitte Bendixen

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Emma Richardson -
Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

What does debugging show?  Your database setting is correct.

Als Antwort auf Emma Richardson

Re: Cannot LDAP sync users, but existing users are updated on login

von Gitte Bendixen -


I made it run directly through the commandline, but are not able to run it at all though the interface - yet. I am looking at the systempath now, to see if it could be there, the error is, and found one type-error in path to cli, where it is /usr/bin/php but i wrote: /user/bin/php

This might be the answer to a lot of problems the managers have... - That this is not set or not spelled correctly...

Best regards,
