problem installing moodle site on linux server

Re: problem installing moodle site on linux server

Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Atsakymų skaičius: 1
Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis Translators paveikslėlis
Linux server, but files edited on Windows! (OK, I see the huge Windows 10 screen below.) I am referring to the '^M' character at the end of lines.

And it is odd that you have '?>> ending your config.php. What is the Moodle version? Newer Moodle versions have the following two lines:
// There is no php closing tag in this file,
// it is intentional because it prevents trailing whitespace problems!
Atsakymas į Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: problem installing moodle site on linux server

Ken Task -
Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis

Missed that ... good catch Visvanath! besišypsantis

There's a couple of config lines that I don't re-call them being 'standard/stock' for a 1.9.x ... or any standard/stock higher version ...

$CFG->portal =
$CFG->tunite =
And I thought that all config lines that had a url in them were not to use a 'trailing slash'.

Do see a comment ... 'New Code May 07 2012 for logout'?   So it's not a stock moodle but one that has been customized.   Could this be a 1.9.x version of iomad?   Don't recall when they iomad first released.

'spirit of sharing', Ken