Grading issues in Moodle 3.4

Grading issues in Moodle 3.4

yazan Jeff Mierzejewski -
Yanıt sayısı: 1

I recently upgraded our Moodle site from 3.0 to 3.4, and could use some help figuring out the assignment grading process. 

We have about fifteen eight-week courses, with 5-6 going on at any given time, and two teachers.  Each course has one weekly assignment (an audio recording) that must be human-graded, but there are no hard deadlines; and since students may re-do their recordings, we want to grade them within 24-48 hours so the student can improve their grade if they like,

In Moodle 3.0, as a teacher I would go to my dashboard, and I would see a summary of course needing attention; opening each one would like assignments that needed grading.,  I would select the assignment and step through the ungraded submissions.

In Moodle 3.4:

  • there no longer seems to be a way to find ungraded work across assignments or courses.  I end up opening every assignment in every course (so, 40-50 assignments) daily to see if anything  needs to be graded.
  • once in an assignment, if I click on Grade, it seems to step me through every submission, graded or not, and I really don't want to send a notification to a student who hasn't even submitted yet.  So I chose show all submissions, filter to submitted but ungraded, and finally get to where I used to be in one click from the Dashboard.
  • finally, because the submission grading page is lacking the left hand navigation bar (default theme), I can't go directly to another assingment; I have to back out, find the next course and assignment to check for work to grade, and so on.
I can sort of rely on using email notification as a guide, but it seems like a lot of wasted motion. What am I missing?  Is there a better way?
Jeff Mierzejewski yanıt olarak

Re: Grading issues in Moodle 3.4

yazan John Provasnik -
Particularly helpful Moodlers 'ın resmi Testers 'ın resmi

I'm in the same boat and I havent tried this yet but was considering to do so: There is a new "remind me to grade by... date" in assignments. Setting this date will cause the items to grade to appear on the teacher dashboard. What I was going to attempt to try was setting the 'remind me to grade by date' to be the first day of class, hoping that all submitted assignments would then appear on my teacher dashboard throughout the year.... 

Again, haven't tried it yet but figured I'd share...