if user forget password - external DB authentication

if user forget password - external DB authentication

per m question -
Nombre de respostes: 4


I have a question regarding using the external DB authentication plugin.

if users created in Moodle using the plugin, for the first login, they will use username & password specified in the following settings:

external DB settings

my question, if the user forgets the password or Moodle requires to change the password after first login, what to do?

I used this plugin before, and users could not change their password.

I want Moodle to handle password as in manual created users.

in password format setting: if I select internal, it requires email which I have

but I didn't understand why Moodle will send email with temporary password?

I want to use password in the password field.

so what I need is that Moodle creates users for the first time using external DB, however, I want all users to change their password after the first login.

after that, for current users, Moodle must allow change password and provide forget password link

and for new users, they must be created using external DB

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En resposta a m question

Re: if user forget password - external DB authentication

per Joel Mendoza -

Hi, did you solve it. I have exactly the same problem and can't find a solution.


En resposta a Joel Mendoza

Re: if user forget password - external DB authentication

per m question -


what I understand that the external DB authentication plugin doesn't work like that.

so you have 2 choices:

if you want to handle password internally, then Moodle will generate the password and send it to the users via email upon the creation of the accounts.

if you want to handle password externally (using your DB), then you can use the password field in the external DB.

I hope this helps you.

En resposta a m question

Re: if user forget password - external DB authentication

per Joel Mendoza -

Thanks for answer, I'd like the first option, manage passwords internally. Does it mean I have to leave the password field blank in external database configuration inside Moodle, or have to stop using an external database for everything and continue complete user registration just in Moodle? I hope not Trist Thanks again.

En resposta a Joel Mendoza

Re: if user forget password - external DB authentication

per m question -
you still can use external DB authentication.

in the password format: select internal

Moodle will create users from external DB and will map username, fullname, and email from it.

Moodle will also create the password and send it to users' emails

so make sure that you provide correct emails

we had a problem in sending large numbers of emails at the start of the semester so I couldn't use this method.

please test it before using it on your production site.