Wiki Wondering....

Re: Wiki Wondering....

by Steve Ambro v3.8 -
Number of replies: 3

  1. What is the content you want to add in your wiki?

I am figuring that this one will be an experiment.  The editing will be done by any student that wants to edit.  The object is for students to do research, or apply their own knowledge, and explain how Twitter works.

  1. How many people will edit the wiki at the same time.
    With the Moodle wiki only one person can edit a certain page at the same time. When working with students - who sometimes forget to save their work, this might cause problems, as other students will not be able to edit the same page.
Good point, Students will be warned.  I think the odds of a collision here will be reduced because they will not be editing during class.  It will be homework.  I will stongly suggest that they write the edit in a document before they copy it to the wiki.

  1. Choose the name of the main wiki page carefully, as you can't change it afterwards.
Yes, I saw that.  Right now, I have a few test models to check things.  I will leave one so students can check their wiki skills.

In reply to Steve Ambro v3.8

Re: Wiki Wondering....

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Piksa bilong Particularly helpful Moodlers Piksa bilong Translators
Could you post a screen shot of a sample document and another one showing how you edit it?
In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Wiki Wondering....

by Steve Ambro v3.8 -

Are you asking how to edit a wiki in general or how I plan to do editing in class?

If you are new to Wiki then there is a good video in MoodleDocs.  The easiest way to get started if to go directly to  Play the video a few times then we can help you understand it. 

If you are asking me what I plan to do, well, that has not been established yet.  For this first round, I am going to open it up to all students and see what happens.  I will get more into it in a few days or a week or so.  I can let you know when I figure it out. ( :