Moodle 3.4 incoming mail server: message inbound task pickup_messages sender validation fails if email address isn't exact case

Moodle 3.4 incoming mail server: message inbound task pickup_messages sender validation fails if email address isn't exact case

de Donald Barrett -
Número de respuestas: 0

Hi there,

I am setting up and testing (locally) the inbound message with reply to forum posts message handler enabled. 

When I make a forum post and then run cron which sends the forum post to the subscribed users I receive the email but when I reply to the email and run the message inbound task pickup messages I get the following.

Found 1 messages to parse. Parsing...
- Parsing message 508
-- Subject:	Re: course0: POST to be
-- From:
-- Recipient:
-- Processing the message as user 4 (learner0).
-- Message did not meet validation but is possibly recoverable. Fail code 256
--> Sending a message to the user to report an verification failure.
--- Original message retained on mail server and confirmation message sent to user.
-- Returning to the original user.

The users email address in moodle is but the email was received by Would it be better for the validation to compare convert the senders email address and the users email address to lowercase before evaluating?

// Line 412 of file $CFG->dirroot/lib/classes/message/inbound/address_manager.php
if ($this->handler->validateaddress) {
// Validation of the sender's e-mail address is also required.
if ($address !== $this->record->user->email) {
// The e-mail address of the originator did not match the
// address held on record for this user.
$returnvalue += self::VALIDATION_ADDRESS_MISMATCH;

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