Deleting forums does not delete posts?

Deleting forums does not delete posts?

de Joseph Rézeau -
Número de respuestas: 2
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
I've been doing a bit of "New Year" tidying in my Moodle courses. Through the Moodle interface (version 1.5) I've deleted a certain number of forums. However, when I go to the mySql database I notice that the discussions belonging to those forums have been deleted, but the individual posts belonging to the deleted discussions are still there!
Is this normal behavior?
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En respuesta a Joseph Rézeau

Re: Deleting forums does not delete posts?

de John Papaioannou -
Joseph, by looking at the code it seems that the posts should be totally deleted along with the forum. If they are not, it is a bug.

Can you "produce" undeleted posts at will?
En respuesta a John Papaioannou

Re: Deleting forums does not delete posts?

de Joseph Rézeau -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
Thanks for your reply. However, I do not understand what you mean by "Can you "produce" undeleted posts at will?". Could you explain?