One Student - One Course

One Student - One Course

Anand Hunt -
Кількість відповідей: 6


Please help me

I am new to moodle and installed it just yesterday.

I came to know that moodle is based on principle of one course and multiple students, whereby same topics, exams study materials are shared with all the students.

But in my teaching i provide every students its own course and other resources and also a particular student is not able to see other student student course , exams result etc.

How can i make such course in moodle?

У відповідь на Anand Hunt

Re: One Student - One Course

Chris Kenniburg -
Фото Plugin developers

You can create a new course and then force group mode.  

In group mode make the groups automatic and limit them to 1 user per group.  

Then in the course you create a topic for each student and restrict access to the topic with the appropriate group.

Now you have one course with one topic for each student.  Each student would only see and be able to work with their own materials.  However, you could use topic 0 or another random topic to allow for all students to participate in activities such as workshop or other activities that peer assessment or interactions are needed.  

This would be ideal for providing individual and personalized instructions for each student.  

However, you must have all the students enrolled first.  Then use the AutoGroup feature.  New students that enter the class would need to be entered manually into their own group after the initial auto-grouping

This doesn't scale well.  It's a lot of prep work for each student so it is best if kept to a low number of students.

У відповідь на Chris Kenniburg

Re: One Student - One Course

Chris Kenniburg -
Фото Plugin developers

Another solution would be somewhat similar but instead of using groups you would restrict a topic based on the user profile field such as last name, first name, or ID number. 


Click the eyeball to the left of the topic restriction settings and it will hide it from the other students so they only see their own topic.  

У відповідь на Chris Kenniburg

Re: One Student - One Course

Chris Kenniburg -
Фото Plugin developers

Here is a short video explaining how to accomplish personalized learning experience with the ability to have resources for everyone. 

У відповідь на Chris Kenniburg

Re: One Student - One Course

Anand Hunt -

so here is the case

there is a category say Physics US

Now I create course : Physics 9 under this category

Now I dont put any topic , resource, exams under this course yet.

I have 2 students say John and Mary

I want to put these two under Physics 9 and then provide each of them their own resource, exams , calendar events, topics, lesson plan. Keep in Mind in a course there is easily going to be more than 5 topics.

Your solution is workable for few topics and resources.

У відповідь на Anand Hunt

Re: One Student - One Course

David Morrow -

In your example, do you want John and Mary to have completely different activities and resources - or do you want them to do similar things but just not be able to see each others' work?

For instance, is it that both students turn in proposals for their science fair projects but you don’t want them to be aware of each others’ work -  or is it something like John will turn in a science fair proposal while Mary is watching a video on the laws of motion?

And is it possible that John will need to watch the same video as Mary, but at a later date?

I ask because Chris's proposal gives you great control and flexibility over how the students do or don’t see each other, while limiting your having to create duplicate content. If they are all doing the same activity (science fair proposal) but you want them to feel like they are in their own class - put each student in his own group and set that activity to separate groups). This keeps their work and the grading and feedback separate, and you only have to build the content once. It also gives you the flexibility to let the students "see" each other - as for a forum activity - when desired.

Like Chris said in his video - Moodle’s system of restrictions is an incredible feature. When you add in the activity completion settings, you can have many students working through the same collection of activities and resources, but with each on his own path.

But - if there is very little overlap in what the students will be doing, it might me easier to set up a separate course for each. You could build one course with the things that the individual courses would all have in common and then use it as a template to create the other courses. - see the Course Process section

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