moodle tool dataprivacy issue

moodle tool dataprivacy issue

per Enovation Dev Team -
Nombre de respostes: 0
Imatge Plugin developers


We have tried the plugin on our moodle 3.4 site. But when running cron we see the error below and the status is stuck on processing.

The processing of the user data request has been completed...
!!! Exception - Argument 1 passed to action_link::export_for_template() must be an instance of renderer_base, instance of bootstrap_renderer given, called in [dirroot]/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php on line 154 !!!

I have also tried the latest version of the plugin on Moodle 3.5dev. And the status is complete but with a json file while exporting and no relevant detail.

Any update help in regards of the issue?

Thanks in advance.

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