Teaching french (FLE) with moodle

Re: Teaching french (FLE) with moodle

door Joost Elshoff -
Aantal antwoorden: 0
Foto van Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto van Testers

Hi Aurélien,

Nice to see you're making excellent progress there. Have you seen the Special Interest Group / Community 'Moodle for Language Teaching'? Althought this community is not as active as one would hope, there's a lot of kindred spirits there.

I have a few recommendations for your initiative:

- from May 2018 onwards, it's strongly recommended you don't show personal information of users to visitors of your site that haven't logged in to it yet. At present, you're showing every teacher's name, which may result in a privacy risk.

- you may not want to show all the courses on your site to visitors, even if they're only available with an account and enrolment key

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