Integration round 2018-02-16 - white, blue, red... Moon

Integration round 2018-02-16 - white, blue, red... Moon

per Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) -
Nombre de respostes: 0
Imatge Core developers Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Moodle HQ Imatge Peer reviewers Imatge Plugin developers Imatge Testers

Cold numbers:

14 issues have been successfully integrated with 1 rejected and 0 delayed. That's 93% success, yippie!


  • There are, right now, 78 issues awaiting peer-review. Would it be possible for you to hep us getting it down to 50 in a week?
  • Take a look to Moodle's Roadmap, more specifically to the 3.5 one. It's a good summary of arriving changes.
  • As you already should know, next May, the GDPR comes to effect, and it applies to a lot of systems, processes and, ultimately, people. Developers Included (yes we are, still, people. Somrient ). Please follow and participate in the ongoing discussion, linked docs and resources. Thanks!

Hot topics:

  • MDL-61135 : Filter by tags in the question bank UI.
  • MDL-61305 : Perf: Avoid parallel modinfo cache builds to happen.
  • MDL-45837 : Create events for main letters and scales actions.
  • MDL-61150 : Potentially breaking change: Moodle 3.5 and up will validate the PATH attribute of xmldb files. Please ensure it's correct in your plugins.
  • And lots more in areas like external tool & LTI provider, libraries, admin...

Warm thanks:

  • To the Moon, for being so awesome. And thanks for accompanying all these years, (near) every night, to this owl-developer. I love you!

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

-- Carl Sandburg

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