Feedback field/question type based on SQL

Feedback field/question type based on SQL

Andrew C -
Vastausten määrä: 0

Hi Everyone,

I've changed a few Feedback fields to generate options based on SQL code. For example, a student can select a course from a list of their own courses. Then select a teacher based on the teachers in the course.

I've edited the get_options function on line 288 of the lib.php, Feedback item and have inserted my SQL. The radio button list is generating nicely and writing to the Feedback database correctly.

The problem I am experiencing is the 'Show responses' tab is not displaying the answer entered into the Feedback and only displaying the dummy data I loaded into the add question field while building the form. I thought I had bypassed this via the get_options function.

Can anyone shine a light on the reason why this is not displaying and why it's referring back to the dummy info stored in the form?



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