Only Quiz for take Exam

Re: Only Quiz for take Exam

ໂດຍ Daniel Celestino -
ຈຳນວນການຕອບກັບ: 0

I´m not using Email Based user Registration, because as I said before, the netbooks are not connect through internet. And, something important, all of the police man in Argentina do not know well using technology (email, internet, even write with a keyboard). I´m talking about people over 40 years old. They are the most when dingo the promotion exam.

Also, they have 20 minutes to do the exam. Imagine 50 men/woman trying to login with the other authentication method? Wait for each one recieve the confirmation email, etc. No way!

So, I tried to do it simple. Mail and a generic password that when they type it, just create the account. Then, Simply type name, surname, email (I couldnt delete this field) and DNI.The proccess is more fluid and simply for this kind of people.

When the work day finish, I will export to CSV all the notes. Then, this CSV will be imported to our sql server system.

Regarding Rasperry Pi, I dont remeber if a mentioned it, but I need to remove the routers of our network in the near future. We will use only AP (we will have a Sophos UTM firewall).

So, When I have this topology working well, I will configure moodle in a central server and the netbooks will be connected through AP´s which the vlan will has not internet enabled.

ການຈັດອັນດັບສະເລ່ຍ:Useful (1)