3.3 Upgrade fails to load CSS

Re: 3.3 Upgrade fails to load CSS

by Ken Task -
Number of replies: 1
Particularly helpful Moodlers колдонуучунун сүрөтү

As usual, I can only guess given info provided.    So ... 3.0 to 3.3 skipped 3.1 and 3.2.

I know that you're still using the old method of ftp new code, move old code to .old, copy back in addons/plugins, etc.. .... maybe it's time for git where one could 'march' the site through the intermediate versions ... check for errors ... if errors present, fix them at that version, then next step in the 'march' upwards.

Those plugins you mentioned throwing errors ... previously ... and still in the upgraded version ... some of those might be biting.

So, mind if I PM you?

'spirit of sharing', Ken

In reply to Ken Task

Re: 3.3 Upgrade fails to load CSS

by Sophist Sodalis -

I have similar problem.

Try using browser developer functions to see what console errors you get - if it is same as mine you get a problem with /themes/style.php?stuff.

Try opening the failing URL in a separate tab and see what you get.

Depending on the theme I try this with I get either a 500 error or a Stack Trace.

(My help request is at https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=356071 )