How to setup highest grade to be more than 100% in Letter Grade Configuration

How to setup highest grade to be more than 100% in Letter Grade Configuration

by Edmund Evangelista -
Number of replies: 1

As a Moodle Admin, I encounter some faculty in our university setting up more than 100% course total in their gradebook. That's fine because I allowed it already in the Site Admin level via "Allow unlimited" option. However, when they start to modify the letter grade configuration of their course to more than 100% under the highest column - after saving it, all the changes goes back to 100%.

Where can I configure to allow faculty to enter more than 100% in their letter grade configuration? The course total of some of our faculty reaches until 400% and they have their own reason for doing it. However, how am I supposed to configure our Moodle so that it will allow faculty to enter more than 100% in the letter grade configuration?


In reply to Edmund Evangelista

Re: How to setup highest grade to be more than 100% in Letter Grade Configuration

by C Behan -

Hi Edmund,

Haven't tested but I would try this: Instead of a letter grade use a scale in your assignment. In the Scale setup (rather than e.g. good, fair, bad) use A,B,C. So it looks like a letter grade to the users, but really as far as Moodle is concerned it's a scale.
