Google Repository Failure

Google Repository Failure

by Matthew Orlando -
Number of replies: 3

I've opened a tracker about this, but thought I'd see if the community had any insight. I just recently upgraded from Moodle 3.0 to Moodle 3.2.2 (20170407). Everything went smoothly, but now when students try to use the Google Repository they're getting an OAuth2 failure that the token cannot be retrieved. Anyone have any suggestions? 

It is just a general error with no message. I've tried creating a new API app via Google but still get the same error. The window opens up, it shows the authorization screen to give Moodle the rights to Google Drive, but then gives the token error.

For reference: MDL-58611

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Re: Google Repository Failure

by Matthew Orlando -
In reply to Matthew Orlando

Re: Google Repository Failure

by Matthew Orlando -
In reply to Matthew Orlando

Re: Google Repository Failure

by Matthew Orlando -

Alright, problem solved. I was able to track down a solution when the "check for plugin updates" page gave a curl error.

The moodleorgca.crt was outdated on the system. Downloaded the new one, installed, and good to go!

For reference: