Block displaying news from all courses

Block displaying news from all courses

by Simon Eddeland -
Number of replies: 1

I would like to add a block that displays announcements from the news forums from all the courses a student/teacher is enrolled in. My idea is to have this block visible on the students homepage. Is there such a block available? The only mention of a feature like this that I've found is this old thread:

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In reply to Simon Eddeland

Re: Block displaying news from all courses

by Jon Bolton -
Particularly helpful Moodlers სურათი Testers სურათი

It doesn’t exist at the moment Simon.

  • /mod/forum/index.php shows site forums
  • /mod/forum/index.php?id=9 shows forums in a specific course

but there is (currently) no way to see forums globally that I know of.

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