Hiding navigation block in 3.2

Hiding navigation block in 3.2

Peter Svec -
Atsakymų skaičius: 2


I was able to hide quiz navigation block (fake block) in 3.1 by commenting line 120 in mod/quiz/attempt.php

$PAGE->blocks->add_fake_block($navbc, reset($regions));

After this change, the main quiz block used whole width of webpage.

In Moodle 3.2, when I comment this line, navigation block is hidden, but the quiz is not using whole width of the page (only span9), because there is another aside region (span4)

Does anyone know, how to properly hide this fake block?


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Atsakymas į Peter Svec

Re: Hiding navigation block in 3.2

Emma Richardson -
Documentation writers paveikslėlis Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

I wonder if you might have better help in the themes forum but I am hesitant to move this over for now as it is quiz related too!  Let me know if you would like me to move this post over there.