Attached resources are hidden beyond topic #10

Attached resources are hidden beyond topic #10

Dan McMahondən -
Number of replies: 0

This is a new one on me!

One (and thus far only one) of the pages on our Moodle installation (IIS, 1.5.2) is behaving rather strangely...

The page is in 'topics format', so the central column consists of numbered boxes. Ten is the default you get when you set up a page. Having filled these ten boxes, a staff member created five more in the Admin->Settings menu. All per normal so far, except...

The new boxes are not showing resources that are being attached to them. Uploads to the filestore work just fine. The 'Add a resource' procedure also works fine, except that the last option, Visible to students, is set to Hide and it's greyed out so no-one, not even me logged in as Admin User, can change it.

When you Save changes, and Moodle takes you to the attached file, that works fine too. But go back to the course page, and there's no trace of it on the topic block. No greyed-out link text, no editing tools, nada, regardless of whether you view the page as student, teacher or admin.

But like I said, it's definitely there, otherwise Moodle wouldn't have been able to display it on completion of the Add a resource screen. Indeed, if you go into the Resource list for the page, where all the attachments are ordered by topic block, it's listed and you can click on the link and fire it up. But for some nefarious reason, they're not showing up! The blocks all have the open eye icon, so they're not hidden... the blocks past #10 do appear to students, as does any text added to them, but no sign of the attachments. Very strange... can anyone shed any light on this?

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