Using Tex and Algebra Filters

Using Tex and Algebra Filters

por Eric Fisch -
Número de respostas: 0

I am a very new user to Moodle and I am trying to understand and implement Tex and Algebra Filters on my installation. I am running Windows Server 2003, IIS6, MySql, PHP 4.xx and Perl v5.008006. I add both the filters in through the adminstration control panel in Moodle. When I check the filters in algebradebug.php and texdebug.php, I get the messages shown below. Any help with this is most appreciated.


1. First click on this button to see the cache_filters database entry for this expression.

DB cache_filters entry for sin(z)/(x^2+y^2) not found

2. If the database entry looks corrupt, click on this button to delete it:

Could not delete DB cache_filters entry for sin(z)/(x^2+y^2)
because it could not be found.

3. Now click on this button . A preliminary translation into TeX will appear in the box below.

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 98
There is a problem with either Perl or the script

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2 2>&1' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined variable: status in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 103
The shell command
cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2
returned status =
The file permissions of are: 100666

4. Next click on this button . A more refined translation into TeX will appear in the box below.

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 98
There is a problem with either Perl or the script

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2 2>&1' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined variable: status in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 103
The shell command
cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2
returned status =
The file permissions of are: 100666

5. Then click on this button to show a graphic image of the algebraic expression.

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 98
There is a problem with either Perl or the script

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2 2>&1' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 102

6. Finally check your slash arguments setting

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 98
There is a problem with either Perl or the script

Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd d:\domains\\
wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra & x/2 2>&1' in d:\domains\\wwwroot\moodle\filter\algebra\algebradebug.php on line 102

 The messages for texdebug.php are very similar.

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