cURL error 77 when checking for updates

cURL error 77 when checking for updates

by Verity Web Services -
Number of replies: 3
I get a cURL error 77 when checking for updates. Can someone tell me what I need to do to fix it?

error.log output:

2016/11/14 16:50:17 [error] 24323#24323: *329 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Default exception handler: Unable to fetch available updates data - unexpected cURL error. Debug: cURL error 77: 
Error code: err_response_curl
* line 242 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: core\update\checker_exception thrown
* line 124 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: call to core\update\checker->get_response()
* line 746 of /admin/index.php: call to core\update\checker->fetch()" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "POST /admin/index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: ""

I'm running 3.0. (Build 20160912)

Server Status:

version 2.2 is required and you are running 3.0.6 (Build: 20160912) OK
unicode must be installed and enabled OK
database mariadb (5.5.5-10.1.17-MariaDB) version 5.5.31 is required and you are running 10.1.17 OK
php version 5.4.4 is required and you are running 5.6.25 OK
pcreunicode should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension iconv must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension mbstring should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension curl must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension openssl should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension tokenizer should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension xmlrpc should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension soap should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension ctype must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension zip must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension zlib must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension gd must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension simplexml must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension spl must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension pcre must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension dom must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension xml must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension intl should be installed and enabled for best results OK
php_extension json must be installed and enabled OK
php_extension hash must be installed and enabled OK
php_setting memory_limit recommended setting detected OK
php_setting file_uploads recommended setting detected OK
php_setting opcache.enable recommended setting detected OK

Thanks in advance for your help.

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In reply to Verity Web Services

Re: cURL error 77 when checking for updates

by Ken Task -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

+1 to what Emma said ... but more specifically ...

The error:


Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

The possible solution:

"If updating the operating system is not an option for you, or the administrator of the server refuses to update the CA certificates on the server (despite there being no good reason for not doing so), or updating the CA installed in the OS did not help (such as in case of Windows servers), a possible workaround is to download the bundle of required certificates from the cURL site. You need to download the file cacert.pem from there and put it into your moodledata/moodleorgca.crt file (i.e. download the cacert.pem file, rename it to moodleorgca.crt and upload it into your mooodledata). If this file is found in moodledata, Moodle will use it instead of relying on certificates provided by the operating system."

I do the above on sites running http or https and it seems to help.   Matter of fact, on any new install, I do the above as part of the 'standard install'.   YMMV. :|

'spirit of sharing', Ken

Average of ratings:Useful (1)