Copying Moodle 2.9 to an internal server

Copying Moodle 2.9 to an internal server

von Dave Emsley -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Hi all, 

Bit stuck and not sure what's wrong:

I've downloaded from the old site via SQLMyAdmin the whole databaseFTP copied the Moodle and Moodle Data folders.

Set wwwroot in the new config.php file to:  http://192.1698.1.36/~moodleuser/httpdocs/m28/lms
Set dataroot etc all correct.

When visiting the new moodle site I get the redirecting message:

Incorrect access detected, this server may be accessed only through 
 address, sorry.
Please notify server administrator. This page should automatically redirect. If nothing is happening please use the continue link below.

...and it goes into a self-calling loop.  Have I missed something?



ISSUE RESOLVED -  1698 is not correct above obviously!!