Q and A Forums

Q and A Forums

Jillian Thorpe གིས-
Number of replies: 4


Does anyone know why my students are seeing their classmates posts before they post in Q and A forums?  

དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Jillian Thorpe

Re: Q and A Forums

John Provasnik གིས-
Particularly helpful Moodlers གི་པར Testers གི་པར

1 specific thing to check: Navigate to Site Admin - Users - Permissions - Capability overview

In the search box, type: forum:viewqandawithoutposting

In the roles box, select student

what permission does student have for this capability? I believe "not set" is the default for the student role.