[error]moodle/index.php http500

[error]moodle/index.php http500

av 임 현수 -
Antal svar: 1
Moodle ran very well until that error appears.

if I go to moodle/install.php -> It goes to login page well... but login is not working.

but if I go to moodle/index.php -> 

there is no response in screen(chrome)

HTTP500 error appears in screen(explorer)

you can see the picture in submit page.

I try to delete moodledata in local and cache(internet program).

But it did not working.

my system use mariadb and bitnami.

and my moodle version is 3.0.3+

Can somebody help me?

Bilaga chrome.PNG
Bilaga exp.PNG
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Re: [error]moodle/index.php http500

av Emma Richardson -
Bild av Documentation writers Bild av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bild av Plugin developers

So what happened before this?  We need a lot more information.  Sites don't just disappear on their own!

Where is your site hosted?  Did you move the site?  Did you upgrade the site?  

I really hope that you did not delete the entire moodledata folder.  If you did, if you ever want your site back, I hope that you have a backup.  Randomly deleting things is not the way to go....

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