Getting courses "content details"

Getting courses "content details"

por Bo Imb -
Número de respostas: 0


I'm trying to get moodle courses into a website via webservices.

I succeeded creating a user that have sufficient permissions and having my first request returning results ! \o/

I've been reading "tons" of doc and typed a lot of request over this site and google but i can't find what i'm looking for, even if i suppose that this question as been answered many times... i should don't get the good words to find what i want (you should have mentioned that english isn't my first langage ^^).

So basically, i want to get the content of my courses. I tryed "core_course_get_contents" but only manage to have details of the course but not the content of the pages inside it.

I should have missed something about the courses architecture ...

Running a 3.0 moodle. rest json requests.

Thanks for your help.

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