Athenticate user in a clustered env

Athenticate user in a clustered env

بواسطة - Mamadou Cisse
عدد الردود: 4


I've been running some test in a apache clustered env with a apache proxy (load balancer ) and 2 web servers (endpoints).

My load balancer has an loadfactor of 1 and each request are proxied to the other web server e.g. not the one where the request is comming from.

I'm trying to enable shared sessions between the 2 nodes (webservers) using shared memcached (1 memcache in each node)

When I login using a cas backend, I've noticed that many session are created in the memcached servers (the number of session created is variable) for one user. Question : is that a correct behaviour !?

Sometimes due to redirections moodle redirects me to /login/index.php?testsession=1234  where moodle tell me that horrible lie : cookies are not enabled in your browser,

Can anyone explain me how to set this up correctly ?



متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على Mamadou Cisse

Re: Athenticate user in a clustered env

بواسطة - Matteo Scaramuccia
صورة Core developers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

Hi Mamadou,
how did you setup memcached in your Moodle instances?
It looks like the nodes are not sharing the same session.

Could you provide more details of your setup?


رداً على Matteo Scaramuccia

Re: Athenticate user in a clustered env

بواسطة - Mamadou Cisse

Hi Matteo

Thx for your feedback here is my memcached parameters : 

Moodle version 2.8.3+

Server : 

memcached server version 1.4.21

memcached -l -l 192.168.1.* -m 64 -p 11211 -u nobody

(listennig to localhost and to his private ip address with 64M of memory on his default port with the user nobody)

Client : 


  $CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\memcached';

      $CFG->session_memcached_save_path = 'server1:11211,server2:11211';

     $CFG->session_memcached_prefix = 'memc.sess.key.';

      $CFG->session_memcached_acquire_lock_timeout = 120;

      $CFG->session_memcached_lock_expire = 7200;       


memcached.sess_number_of_replicas = 1

memcached.sess_remove_failed = 1

memcached.sess_consistent_hash = On

memcached.sess_randomize_replica_read = On

I use a CAS backend and phpCAS create a session after auth  which it can destroy when it got a logoutRequest from CAS server

Why moodle do not use the phpCAS session id to be sure it implements global logout and fully sso ? The session that is created by phpCAS is never used and as phpCAS do not handle logoutRequest it is never destroyed. I was wondering if that is not an issue as these sessions are never cleared...

I'll be running more tests maybe I can improve the cas backend auth.



رداً على Mamadou Cisse

Re: Athenticate user in a clustered env

بواسطة - Mamadou Cisse

Hi Matteo 

I think I've solved it ! 

The version of php were different in the 2 nodes of my cluster so the hash method (for memcached key) may not be the same between the 2 version of php that could explain why i had so many session started in the memcached server.

I'll keep running some test



رداً على Mamadou Cisse

Re: Athenticate user in a clustered env

بواسطة - Matteo Scaramuccia
صورة Core developers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

Hi Mamadou,
TNX for sharing your updates: it will help others too!

About CAS: how did you configure your CAS auth settings in Moodle?
Did you properly configure CAS logout option and optionally Alternative logout return URL?
