Assignment Rubric Scores not appearing in Gradebook

Assignment Rubric Scores not appearing in Gradebook

Steve Taylor - келді
Number of replies: 1

I have an assignment that's set to have Point grades set by the Rubric grading method. The grades were entered, by selecting the appropriate cells in the rubric table and they are visible in the Grade column of the Assignment results page ("View/grade all submissions.")

However, these grades do not appear with the corresponding assignments in the Gradebook. Any ideas why not?

This is Moodle 2.9.1+

Attachment Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 5.46.26 PM.png
Attachment Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 5.47.22 PM.png
In reply to Steve Taylor

Re: Assignment Rubric Scores not appearing in Gradebook

Steve Taylor - келді

Figured this out: It wasn't related to using rubrics, it was related to blind grading (blind marking.)

I didn't realize that grades would not be "released" to the gradebook-- even for the eyes of the instructor or administrator-- until student identities had been revealed.