

- Annette Knobloch の投稿
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We are experiencing brownout, highlighting of graded items, which is supposed to indicate over ride, for some grades that were not over-ridden!

  • In my case, there was a multicomponent grade, derived from several specific sub-component grades. I did override one  subcomponent, but all  components became browned out. My theory was that due to the complex calculation of sub-components to the multi-component grade, overriding any component browned out all sub-components. With my students, the overridden grade differed from the inherent rubric grade in the specific overridden component grade.
  • But... that did not hold true for other faculty, in another section of the course, the rubric and the gradebook grade have the same numeric value. I will try to find out if this faculty person manually entered grades into the gradebook, then went back and clicked on rubric slots, instead of simply clicking the rubric first.

Nothing else makes sense. Unless there are known issues!

What is a category tunnel?

I am not finding info in Moddle site, but I am finding hints in Google search. I have no way to verify quality of what I find in Google search, but I do see there, that faculty were upset by unexplained overrides, perhaps as far back as 2012.