Print Lessons

Print Lessons

by Erick French -
Number of replies: 11

I have multiple lessons (50) that are set up to run with completion tracking.  This allows my students to go through my course in a linear manner.  They can't skip ahead unless they have passed exams.  

I need my students to be able to print their lessons so that they can study offline.

There's print documentation for the book module but I cannot use the book module.   I would like my students to be able to print every lesson in the course from one place.

How can I do this?

Thank you.

Average of ratings: -
In reply to Erick French

Re: Print Lessons

by Chris Collman -
Documentation writers को तस्बिर


You are not the first one to ask this question. I do not think there is a way to print a lesson or export its contents.   You can appreciate that some lessons are not straight line like yours.

The only work around I can think of is to provide a resource, perhaps dependent upon completion of the lesson for your students.  Or a folder which is always available with all the lesson resources.

Could be a class project.  You could assign students to take screen captures (not sure if a copy/paste would work) of specific lesson pages and compile those into a study resource in the wiki or database module. 

I would like to have the ability to print the lesson in edit page order.  One long screen like an expanded edit view, showing just the title, content and choices of every page.   At least I would have something not very cluttered to print or paste into another external program like Word.   This is probably not a high priority on the developer's side of improving Lesson and way above my skills in tweaking code.

Hope this helps,


In reply to Chris Collman

Re: Print Lessons

by Erick French -


Thanks for your thoughts.  I know everyone uses Moodle in different ways.   It seems to me that printing a lesson to take with you off line is a pretty basic function that a lot of people would support.  Every other LCM system I have seen allows students to print. Its such an expected ability that my students are shocked when they can't do it.  Like most instructors, I support a lot of courses which are always under development.  Providing a big flat .pdf is a big problem because of version changes and multiple authors.

How do I go about formally requesting print entire lesson as a feature?

In reply to Erick French

Re: Print Lessons

by Stephen Bourget -
Core developers को तस्बिर Plugin developers को तस्बिर Testers को तस्बिर


Your best bet is to look in the Moodle Tracker to see if the feature you want already exists,  If it does, then I would suggest voting for the issue. if it does not then please create a new request there and hopefully if the idea is popular, it will get added.

Would the feature requested by MDL-19948 (Allow students to review answer choices/reports in Lessons) accomplish what you are trying to do?


Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Stephen Bourget

Re: Print Lessons

by ben reynolds -

Way back in the days of 1.9 there was a plugin that allowed you to view the lesson in edit mode, hit print, and you would get the lesson without all "add a new page, etc. stuff."

I've been just printing to a .pdf the lesson with all the other stuff anyway.

In reply to ben reynolds

Re: Print Lessons

by Erick French -

That would certainly be a step in the right direction but it wouldn't solve the problem for the student.

I would love to get this added as an issue and get people to vote for it to be included in the next update. What's the best method to get developers to consider it?

I am asked how to print lessons by my students almost every day.

In reply to ben reynolds

Re: Print Lessons

by Erick French -

I do see an MDL from 2010, MDL-21547 which references Moodle 1.9.  It looks like the feature just didn't get added from there.

It would be great to get this revisited.  From what I've read, they didn't put it in because lessons have branches and they didn't know how to put them in order.  I suggest that the order doesn't matter.  Print all of it.  If the printing branches, the author could easily provide branch labels in the text.

In reply to Erick French

Re: Print Lessons

by ben reynolds -

Conveniently, we use Lesson more like Book because Book was deprecated when we started using Moodle in 2008. So, we don't do branching at all. And we don't do questions because the record keeping is so less useful than Quiz.

So, I typically make a print out of the lesson and post it beneath the actual lesson for students to print as they wish.

In reply to ben reynolds

Re: Print Lessons

by Erick French -

I also use lessons linearly, like book, and do not use lesson questions, only quizzes. 

Unfortunately I have a lot of writers and editors so printing the lesson and giving a link would be very difficult.  Version control at the student level would be impossible.

An earlier suggestion of printing in page edit order would solve all my issues.

I have opened a request in tracker.  Please vote for MDL-52692

Spread the word!

Attachment print lesson.jpg
In reply to Erick French

Re: Print Lessons

by Chris Collman -
Documentation writers को तस्बिर

This is an interesting thread.   I am voting in a couple of minutes.

Did not know about the 1.9 plugin to print lesson pages.  We did not stay very long in the Moodles that could use that feature when we went from 1.5 to 2.2.     Sounds like it is a good first KISS step.  Assume it does not work in 2.x or 3.x. 

I vaguely remember trying a copy of  the screen in edit mode and paste into either Word or Excel. I was trying to figure out if I could systematically delete non-essential stuff with a macro and/or manually with a sort. This is the kind of stupid challenge I love.  However, I believe I gave it up because the process was not going to be streamlined enough to make it worth my while and it was too much of an art to teach.



In reply to Chris Collman

Re: Print Lessons

by ben reynolds -

I ended up voting for , MDL-21547

because Erich's has been closed. It is the same issue. Michelle just referenced Book as a similar approach. I also commented on the old plug-in, which I can no longer find in the plug-ins directory and do not remember the name of.

In reply to ben reynolds

Re: Print Lessons

by Derek Chirnside -

I'm pretty sure a CSS fix would be possible:

@media or something.  Just delete all the things you don't want at CSS level.
