Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Shem Bisluk -
Anzahl Antworten: 7

Hi all

Currently for our units of competency we have two quizzes for the student to complete. Our previous LMS gave the students the ability to re-do / re-attempt the quiz but for just the incorrect answers only.

Does such an option exist in Moodle? (we're running version 2.9.2) - if the student re-attempts the quiz (we've allowed 2 attempts) it allows them to complete *everything*, including correct answers which we don't want.

Any help/advice is appreciated lächelnd



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Als Antwort auf Shem Bisluk

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Emma Richardson -
Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

Look at the Interactive question behavior.  Here you set the number of attempts at the question level instead of the quiz (each hint allows one extra attempt) and you have the option to just remove the wrong answers so that they just retry the incorrect ones.  You can also set a penalty for each incorrect answer.

Als Antwort auf Emma Richardson

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Shem Bisluk -

Thanks Emma - some great advice there. Please excuse my ignorance, but when you refer to the interactive question behaviour are you referring to this?

I've selected the 'Interactive with multiple tries' which seems to bring up a 'check' box when the student is doing the quiz. 

In our existing system, let's say out of a pool of 11 questions, if you got two of those wrong and needed 100% to pass (or be competent) and you were allowed 2 attempts at the quiz, then on the next re-attempt only the 2 questions which were incorrect would be displayed, not the 9 that were correct. 

Not sure if this is something that Moodle is capable of? 

Thank-you again - I'll continue to tinker lächelnd



Als Antwort auf Shem Bisluk

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Emma Richardson -
Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

Yes, that is the one.  It will basically allow the students a certain number of attempts on each question during the quiz.  If they get the question right first try then they will not have the option to try again. 


Als Antwort auf Emma Richardson

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Shem Bisluk -

Okay, got it - and so does this require the student to submit 'all' the answers (rather than immediate feedback etc) and then if they reattempt the quiz, only the incorrect ones show?

I must be doing something wrong..literally hahaha... 

I'll try and get some screenshots up shortly after giving it another go lächelnd

Thank-you again for your assistance Emma - much appreciated lächelnd

Als Antwort auf Shem Bisluk

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Shem Bisluk -

Thought I'd revisit this thread - unfortunately what Emma suggested above I wasn't able to implement. I must have been doing something wrong.... The interactive with multiple tries seemed to work (on the surface) but if I got an answer correct, on the 2nd attempt at the quiz it still presented me with the question I previously answered correctly.

So, we thought we'd try another approach. Given we want to give students a 2nd attempt at a quiz, we thought about switching to immediate feedback, and then the student has 2 attempts at a question (so if they get the incorrect answer, they're given one more chance to redo the question - another incorrect attempt and they move onto the next one)

I saw this example on the forums the other day:


Perfect - just what we need! When I try and implement the above, the student gets a second attempt at a question, but at the end (review) they also have an option to redo the entire quiz. This is something I was hoping to disable - I checked the number of attempts (2) and if changed to (1) the student can't resit the quiz but also doesn't get a 2nd attempt at a question. 

Again, is there something I've missed? I'm scared that as we have around 50 units of competency and some of those UoC's have a question bank of over 100 questions, that I'll have to go in and modify a setting for each question.

Any help/advice is appreciated lächelnd

Kindest regards


Als Antwort auf Shem Bisluk

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Emma Richardson -
Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

The idea of Interactive is that they get their multiple tries within the quiz and you don't give them a second try at the entire quiz....

Als Antwort auf Emma Richardson

Re: Quiz - option to repeat incorrect answers only

von Shem Bisluk -
Thanks Emma - got it.

Now for my dilemma! ... currently we have around 50-odd units of competency (or courses). Inside each course, lies two quizzes. 'Critical' and 'Standard'. Each quiz draws from a question bank of anywhere between say 5 (minimum) and 90 (maximum) questions.

So I can set the quiz question behaviour to 'Interactive with multiple tries' - and then in each question, I just add into the hint box 'Try again' (we only want to give the student 2 attempts).

Am I going to have to do this for *each* and every question (YIKES) or is there some sort of setting at an admin level that may take away some of the pain?


Thanks again

Kind regards
